Tag: hydroponics


Monitoring Runoff in Recirculating Hydroponic Systems

When cultivating cannabis hydroponically, growers can choose between drain-to-waste and recirculating systems. In drain-to-waste systems, the nutrient solution is discarded after use; in recirculating systems, the nutrient solution is reused. When using a recirculating system, it is important to collect and test the runoff—the excess nutrient solution that passes through the root zone—because it gives an idea of whether it is suitable for reuse or adjustments need to be made. Neglecting to monitor runoff can lead to salt buildup, resulting in …

Irrigation Water Quality in Hydroponics

Water is the lifeblood of agriculture. Not only does water irrigate roots, but it also delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to plants for healthy growth, big yields and high crop quality.The quality of irrigation water is paramount. Poor water quality can lead to problems like stunted growth, nutrient toxicities or deficiencies, accumulation of harmful heavy metals in plant tissue, and bacterial contamination; in severe cases, it can even lead to plant death.Assessing water quality involves more than just its appearance, …

Biofilms in your Grow Ops

Biofilms are slimy layers of microbial colonies that form where microorganisms grow and reproduce. Because microorganisms flourish where water and nutrients are abundant, irrigation systems offer ideal environments for biofilms. When biofilms develop in grow operations, they can create clogs, harbor pathogens and cause oxygen levels in the nutrient solution to drop. Preventing or eliminating biofilms is essential to growing healthy, high-yield crops. How biofilms develop Biofilm begins when free-floating microorganisms in the water supply such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa or algae …

Clogs in your Grow Room

Clogs in emitters, feeding lines and drains One of the biggest challenges growers face with irrigation systems is clogs. Clogs can form from physical particles, chemical precipitates or biological growth, and they can occur in an irrigation system’s lines, emitters or drains. Not only do they prevent the irrigation system from functioning properly, but they can also be detrimental to crop health and yield. Figure 1Consequences of clogsClogging in is more than a maintenance nuisance. Because clogs reduce the uniformity of water …