Tag: carbon dioxide

Advanced Tips

Understanding Calcium-Magnesium Supplementation in Coco Medium

Any comprehensive nutrient line already contains calcium and magnesium, but growers who use coco coir may need to apply more of these two secondary macronutrients. Coco coir binds with them and locks them up, making them less available for uptake. To avoid deficiencies, growers need to understand how coco coir interacts with calcium and magnesium. Importance of calcium and magnesium for plants Calcium and magnesium are essential nutrients that plants require in significant amounts. Calcium Plants typically absorb more calcium than phosphorus, with concentrations …
Advanced Tips

Sources of Carbon Dioxide Supplementation

Supplementing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the grow room is common in indoor cannabis cultivation. As we discussed in our blog post on CO2 supplementation, CO2 is essential for photosynthesis. By increasing the amount of ambient CO2, growers can boost their plants’ photosynthetic rates, producing bigger yields and shortening the crop life cycle for more frequent harvests. In this blog post, we will discuss the different methods of CO2 supplementation. CO2 injection systems and tanks CO2 injection systems and tanks rank among the most popular ways …
Advanced Tips

Carbon Dioxide Supplementation

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential for photosynthesis. The amount of CO2 available to plants affects their net photosynthetic rate. Providing additional CO2 in indoor cultivation serves two purposes: (1) It can prevent a reduction in plant growth, which can happen in tightly sealed indoor environments if CO2 drops below ambient outdoor levels. (2) It can spur the rate of photosynthesis by providing elevated levels of CO2, resulting in bigger yields. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the role of CO2 in …