White Paper Blogs

https://www.ekobiogen.eu/the-role-of-silicon-in-plant-growth/Advanced Tips

Silicon: The Truth

Silicon is the second-most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and it bonds with oxygen to create silicon dioxide, also known as silica, the main component of sand, clay, granite, amethyst, quartz, glass, computer chips, and fiber-optic cables. Silica is also the form of silicon, when it finally comes to rest in plant tissues such as stalks, stems and leaves, that delivers plant benefits. But first silicon must take a long road, going through many chemical conversions—from silicate to silicic acid …
Growing Science

Plants can’t tell the difference: Understanding the pros and cons of organic and inorganic hydroponic fertilizers

Download pdf Inorganic fertilizers have a bad rep. Often called “synthetic,” “chemical” and “artificial,” many believe inorganic fertilizers are full of dangerous ingredients that are harmful to humans and the environment. This perception has driven many growers to choose organic fertilizers instead. Many view organic fertilizers as safer, cleaner and better for the environment. Some may believe that if the fertilizer is organic, they can label their plants organic too.  But the truth isn’t so black and white. There’s no evidence that plants grown with …
White Paper Blogs

Clearing up the confusion about silicates: Case in point—BioNova Silutio

Silicon-based fertilizer supplements are easy-to-use additions to your feeding program that bring numerous benefits to cannabis gardens, including increased crop quality, strength and resilience. Their ingredients—the raw materials in the bottle—are also simple: They’re predominantly bottled silicates. There’s no mystery to silicates or how they deliver silicic acid* to the roots. Nevertheless, some fertilizer manufacturers get the science behind silicates—and the advice they give to growers as to which type of silicate they should use for best results—just plain wrong. Indeed, …

Inside silicon supplements: Making Sense of What’s inside the Bottle

Silicon packs a powerful punch, increasing crop quality, strength and resilience. Yet the fertilizer market is flooded with misinformation about silicon supplements, including confusing labeling and misleading marketing claims with no basis in science. This poses a challenge for growers seeking to choose the best product. With every nutrient company touting the superiority of its silicon-based product, it’s no wonder growers get confused and struggle to make an informed choice. Even the terminology—silicon, silica, silicic acid, silicate—is often used interchangeably in …
Growing Science

Heavy Metals: Time to Face the Music

In agriculture as in music, heavy metal has a bad-boy reputation. And for good reason. Lead poisoning has made headlines as a public health concern for generations, and heightened regulation and consumer demand have slowly but surely eradicated lead from the surfaces and appliances we interact with. Mercury poisoning, too, has entered the public consciousness, motivating consumers to dramatically reduce their canned tuna intake.1 Exposure to many other heavy metals still put people at risk of potentially devastating health consequences. …
Growing Science

Superior nutrients, superior plants: How the right nutrients help plants reach their genetic potential

Every seedling carries its potential within its genes. Just as a person might inherit the capacity to become an outstanding sprinter or an operatic virtuoso, a plant’s genes provide the foundation for its future performance. But the children of world-class runners and singers still have to eat well and train hard if they want to follow in their parents’ footsteps. Similarly, for plants to be the best they can be, they need to be fed and cared for properly. Growers often ask …